Thursday, November 8, 2012

Some updates...

            I made cookies for the first time here last weekend, I was very proud of myself because the oven has 5 temperatures: 1,2,3,4, or 5! I don’t know how that correlates to 350, but somehow the cookies came out and tasted yummy!  I just had to share my accomplishment with you all! : )
            Today I was able to eat a carrot stick, which I also think is a great accomplishment.. after I finished it I noticed I didn’t even remember that my esophagus was there.  It’s funny how much I can take for granted each day… I guess funny isn’t the right word.. more like sad.  Somebody was talking about how God can use seemingly insignificant events to grow us spiritually… I think it was staff devotions!  Okay so anyway, this whole thing with my esophagus has reminded me that I need to be thankful EVERY day for my health and all the other things I take for granted, because anything could be taken away in an instant!  Another example is the electricity and water.. the water has been out just about every night this week.. something about the tank on the bottom being smaller than the tank on the top?  I don’t really understand WHY, I just know that it would be nice to be able to take a shower when I want to!  I hear that the electric cuts are much better this year, and I believe it!  It really hasn’t gone out as much as I expected it to, and I have come to the conclusion that I would much rather be without electricity than running water.  Flashlights work wonders.  So, I’m working on being thankful for the small things and not taking anything for granted.  I know it’s a pretty elementary principle, buuuuuuut I guess that’s why I am an elementary teacher.. I don’t know enough to go any higher! : )
            I was also reminded this week of what a huge blessing my little class of 10 kids are.  I had to go to the “Stranger Police” (I think it is so funny that it is called that) to do some work on my recipisee.. basically my visa.  So, I had to get a sub and when I came back she said “They are such a good class!” and kept going on and on about them.. I take them for granted much too often.  They really are a super great class!
            My birthday was really great! On Sunday night I had a little game night for a pre-birthday celebration and then on Monday.. THEE day, I got lots of birthday wishes on facebook, cards in the mail, and came back to a decorated apartment and tacos and a yummy birthday cake!  We played games again and it was just a grand old time! 
            Lambchop has been relocated.. to my stomach.  Just kidding!  Truly though, what am I going to do with a sheep?  It would take 6 months to fatten him up.. just think of all the money and time that would take!! He was a PRIZE.. prizes should not take manual labor.  They should have just given me a sheep’s worth of meat.  Much more useful.  That’s what I think, anyway.  On top of all that, I found out he has worms.  Some prize.  I gave him to one of the guards at the school who already has a sheep, so Lambchop will have a friend!  The guard told me he would take pictures for me, which I very much appreciate. 
            This weekend is the Ladies’ Retreat, which I am very much looking forward to!  We will be staying at a hotel right next to the ocean in the same place that the staff retreat was! I looked at the reviews for this hotel and one of them said “bad hotel with fantastic staff”… but the pictures look fine! I am just hoping for a flushing toilet.  At the staff retreat, our toilet wouldn’t flush the toilet paper! So annoying. : )
            I think those are all the updates I have for now... Can't believe i will be home in just a little over a month!!!

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