Saturday, November 24, 2012

The past few days!

             My first Thanksgiving away from home…Was pretty good! Lots of new experiences (always plenty of those in Africa), laughs and fun people!  For dinner we ate canned duck.. yes that’s right.  It was actually really yummy!  Also on the table were green beans, potatoes, rolls, and jello salad.  For desert (the most important part) we had pecan pie, pumpkin pie and chocolate mousse!! Yummmm!! I missed being with my family, but am thankful that I got to skype with them before they ate for a few minutes before my power went out! 
            Yesterday, I went shopping at a huge store and bought some Christmas decorations for my apartment : ) and then we had a Christmas movie marathon with Home Alone and all the Santa Clauses.. good day!
            Today, I got to go to the animal reserve today and it was SO FUN! We left bright and early at 6:30, and got there right when they opened. We saw lots of animals.. most importantly giraffes! And some cute little baby ones and baby zebras too! And I got half-charged by a rhino… we rode in this big truck that had benches in the back.  We were stopped in the rhinoceros area, and the guide was telling us all about the facts and how the male rhino had to have its horn cut off because it killed one of the females during mating season.. which seems weird to me because why wouldn’t he kill one of the other males instead? Anyway, we got all our pictures so the guide motioned very calmly for the driver to keep going.  When the truck started the rhino must have been startled because he stopped eating, looked up, and started running right where I was sitting.  The guide banged on the side of the truck and yelled “ADVANCE ADVANCE ADVANCE!”
            Pictures to come : )

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got to see those baby giraffes today! Will you please send a picture of your Christmas decorations as well as all the pictures from the game reserve, etc.? Your life in Africa seems to be one adventure after the other ~ we have been missing your blog comments lately, so glad you got on here today!
    Love, Gram
