Friday, August 24, 2012

a good friday!

           Yesterday was pay day!! Yahoo!! I think I have said this already, but I really like the cfa (that’s what the money is called here) conversion rate because I now have 343,000 cfa to my name… it makes me feel so rich.
            I just still can’t believe they pay me!! Well, sometimes I can. Like, for example, today.. when the power went out and the generator didn’t even work.  Right in the middle of the day.  So, no fans even!!  It was sooo hot in the classroom, so I decided to take my class outside where there was at least a little bit of a breeze to finish our day!  But, that wasn’t even really that bad.. just a little bit inconveniencing, but the kids loved being able to work outside.
            Funny story for the day: My kids tried to guess how old I was on the first day of school.. I didn’t tell them because that would just ruin the fun.  They all took their guesses, which ranged everywhere from 20-28, and two of them guessed correctly.  I think that none of them wanted to guess the same number.. because they couldn’t be copycats, so they just guessed one more than what they really thought.  But anyway,  I keep telling them that I’m old so they have to talk louder… or that I’m old so I don’t know their new lingo.. or other various reasons why I’m soo old.  Today, one boy said: “You’re not even married yet, so you can’t be old!” so, there you have it… all you married people… you are officially old.  J   
            Today after working out (yeah, I’m posting about it again) the girls said I could come over to their apartment if I wanted to hang out!! Mission accomplished! The only reason I was working out was to become friends with them, and now that I have succeeded, I will never work out again! Haha just kidding.. but in all honesty, 90% of the reason I was going was to make friends.  And they have a wii at their house!!! And I just really like them, they are fun.  J
            I don’t like not being able to understand other peoples’ language.. I’m pretty sure a group of people made fun of me on my walk home today.  Sigh… but Tafa told me he liked my shoes!  So that was a good thing.
            Tonight, around 8:00, I was cutting up a delicious, juicy mango getting ready to go to bed..  (told you I was old) when Ruthanne came into the kitchen and said “Lauren, do you want to go to n’ice cream with Danielle and her dorm girls?”  Danielle is Ruthanne’s sister who I think is just great!  She is a dorm mom of 9 girls.. and before that she taught middle school/high school English.. so anyway.. I never say no to ice cream, even when I have a delicious mango waiting for me.. so we went, and it was a good decision!  The traffic was crazy, and it was super busy in the ice cream shop.. and I don’t know why I didn’t buy a liter of ice cream… I just got a tiny bowl. Ugh. Oh well. Next time, I will know better.  Actually, I did think about getting the liter tub but I chickened out when I started to order.
            Tomorrow the fruit man is coming again! I can’t wait!!!! And then I’m going grocery shopping, and then probably hanging out in my classroom for a while! Just in case you wanted to know my schedule..

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