Thursday, August 16, 2012

Another near-death moment...

...happened today around 4 in the afternoon.
The housing coordinator (Jill) has been asking me every day (meaning just tuesday and wednesday) if i wanted to work out. During work out hours she is called Jill Sargent.. get it, like drill Sargent? and she lives up to that name for sure!! On tuesday I didn't because it was the day before school started so i still had a lot to do, Wednesday was the first day of school so i had to prepare for the second day of school, and I finally gave in today because I knew i wouldn't do it tomorrow because tomorrow is open house.  Actually, when she asked me today, I think i said yes on accident, but then I had already committed so i was stuck. in the best way possible.
Apparently, these ladies work out EVERY day, and i dont know how they do that.. because I can barely even type right now.  We did a Jillian Michaels DVD and boy oh boy.. in her own words "this work out is no joke".  i dont think i will be able to even write on the board tomorrow! okay, enough complaining.  The kids were definitely more comfortable today.. lots more talking. BUT, they aren't disrespectful at all, so im still happy, because all kids talk.
I met one of the moms today and she said "if you need anything let me know.. cookies, cupcakes." I want to email her and ask her for both.. and then take them home all for myself. would that be okay?
aaand i think thats it for today! SO glad tomorrow is friday and theres no school on Monday!! YAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!


  1. Oh my goodness! Jillian Michaels? C-R-A-Z-Y! Have a great experience at your 1st Open House.

  2. HAHAHA! So much for gaining 37 pounds!

    Also, you sound like you are working at a dream school... 12 respectful christian kids with moms who want to bring anything including sweet treats!! That sounds like a MIRACLE!
