Thursday, August 2, 2012

Maybe I DO have the gift of prophecy...

I fell asleep in the car on the way to San Francisco today and had a dream that i got to Africa with the yuckiest hairy legs ever. I woke up and thought "phew, just a dream" then i realized I had forgotten to pack razors! woops! but don't worry! we stopped to get some so I can now show up without hairy jungle woman legs! yahoo!
We got into town around 8 and went to dinner at a fancy shmancy restaurant! the bread was the most delicious ever.  Soo I planned to stash some in my bag for a snack on the plane, but then dad asked the waiter where the bread was from and he said "across zee street!" that was the beginning of a wonderful friendship.  The waiter told my dad to go get some before the bakery closed and that he wished he could give us more, but they had just run out.  So dad went "across zee street" to the bakery.  Then, the waiter came back and said he had phoned the manager downstairs and he was going to send up some bread for us.  A few minutes after dad got back with the bread, the waiter came over with another whole loaf for us!  what a sweetie pie!
So we started talking to Mr. Waiter and somehow got on the topic of Africa and we found out that he was from Ethiopia!!!  I thought that was so neat.  He gave me the same tips that everyone else has given me.  "Be safe.. don't get too close to anyone at first.."
We ate our delicious food and our waiter came back with a business card and had written his email address on it and the name of a hotel that his friend owns.  He said if I ever am in Ethiopia to go to the hotel and say that Solomon (oh yeah, his name is Solomon.. like the KING!) sent me and I would get the room for free.. or half price!  So.. who wants to go to Ethiopia with me? :)
Anyway.. how cool is it that he was from Africa?? thats right! super cool!  I think it's safe to say I had a good last night in America.. complete with some sea salted carmel hot chocolate straight from Ghiradelli square.. or not so hot chocolate :( but I won't complain, because I made a new friend tonight and I'm officially leaving for the airport in approximately 5 and a half hours!  YIKES! I don't know if I'm ready.. but either way, here I come Dakar! :)

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