Thursday, August 9, 2012

hero of the day... saved my life, saved my life!

(if you haven't seen that video, shame on you!)
but hero of my day award goes to (drum roll please)..................
the kindergarten teacher Patti!!! We had just gotten done with all our meetings for the day so it was classroom work time. Yesterday during that time, i'm pretty sure i went past the point of crazy being locked inside my classroom for 3 hours (It may not sound like that long but with no human contact it seemed like for-ev-er).
So, today.. i was kinda not really looking forward to it.  I was thinking of a million things i could do to get around it.. still productive things of course like talking to the other teachers.. about necessary info.. but eventually i just decided it was time to be a big girl.
So i started walking to my classroom and on my way there was a cleaner lady.  I got so stressed out because we had just had a cultural learning session about ALWAYS greeting people, no matter what. even if you have to interrupt their conversation.  because if you don't greet people, they think you hate them.  it will RUIN their day if you dont greet them. so obviously, there was a lot of pressure on me.  oh and also.. if its a man, you can't extend your hand to them to shake their hand because that means your in love with him or something... not that i ever shake hands anyway, but YIKES! and you can't make too much eye contact with a man because that means you want to marry him.  and you cant laugh around a man because that also means you love him.  BUT if you just straight up ignore this man, he will be so sad. ugh. theres really no way to win!!!! rules rules rules.
so anyway.. usually im walking with someone and i just let them do the greeting because im afraid my french just probably sounds stupid!  but this time i was alone, and luckily it was a woman.. so i said "bonjour, sevah!" (thats probably not how you spell sevah, but thats how you say it! i thought it meant 'how are you' but i learned today that it means 'are you well' but then it can also mean 'im fine' so you could just have a conversation by saying 'sevah' 'sevah') anyway she said it back and i think i was supposed to say something else, but i just half-laughed like a weirdo and kept walking.  bahhhh.
once i was safely inside my purple classroom i realized i had to go to the bathroom.  i looked out my window to see if there was anyone i would have to greet on my way.. and wouldn't you know it, the same girl i greeted was out there cleaning the steps...  well you are probably saying "its okay! you already greeted her, you don't have to do it again!!!" well you are wrong! because apparently no matter how many times you have already greeted them, you greet them EVERY TIME YOU SEE THEM! every. time.  so, i did what any normal person would do and walked around the whole building to go to the other bathroom. well this was the wrong choice. because not only did i cross the path of ONE man, but TWO men walking together. ahhh.  OH! i guess it would help you to know that there are workers on campus called "National workers".  So they are Senegalese people that are hired to do maintenance and janitorial stuff.
Okay.. so back to my sad story. two men coming my way. panic mode. they think i want to marry them if i look at them, but they cry if i ignore them.  so i just look at the sidewalk and say "bonjour sevah" and keep walking. they probably thought i was some freak that they hired out of pity. oh man.
but, dont you worry... the story looks up from here. this is where the hero comes in.  so im walking back from the bathroom and i see a lady i have never seen before.  she says "hows it going?" and i tell her and she introduces herself and follows me in to my classroom and says "oh you have THESE curtains.." haha. yup. they are that bad.  BUT then she says "I am doing my classroom in a safari theme so i have some extra zebra stuff im not using!" so i say.. "no thats okay, i would rather decorate my classroom with other boring things."
soo she takes me to her WAY cute classroom that i wish i could go back in time and be a kinder for and loads me up with all these goodies! not only that, but she comes back with me to help me decorate it!! what a pal!!
I had done my bulletin board already with a border that had all the fruit of the spirit.. but i wasn't really all too excited with the way it turned out.  Not because i don't like the fruit of the spirit, but because it was just a white background cause that was the only paper that matched the border.  anyway, now it is black and has a zebra border and i love it!
So, I had a totally productive day, all thanks to God for sending me my human hero of the day!


  1. This is funny! You are not a freak, Lauren! You are obviously white and blonde.. so I would think that they know you are foreign and from a different culture!! Being white and blonde should come in handy in that sense!!

    I'm glad you got cute stuff for your bulletin board... it does make a big difference since that is what you stare at all day for nine months!

    I LOVE YOU! :)

    (PS- am i the freak for commenting on every post of yours?)

  2. NO you are NOT a freak!! i love reading your comments, keep em coming :)

  3. Lauren you are not a freak, but you are hilarious. Thanks for all the entertainment + info. your blog provides. New profession for you, regular columnist somewhere!
