Sunday, September 30, 2012

a fancy weekend!

            Last week was only a 4 day week! Woo hoo! On Friday we had  Professional Development which consisted of meetings… but mostly pizza and pretzels and apples and oranges and ICE CREAM!!! Yippee!! But the best part of all was that after lunch, we got on buses to go to STAFF RETREAT!!! We just got back and the only bad part about it was how short it was! I would be just fine staying there for another week or so.. People there need to know about Jesus too!!!
            Anyway, it took us two short hours to get to the Neptune Hotel.  I stayed in a fancy little villa with three other girls! Super fun!  There was a nice pool and it was just a short walk to get to the beach.  The only time I was hungry the whole weekend was before we ate dinner because each meal was HUGE and DELICIOUS.  There was an appetizer, then a main course, and a desert.  For some of them, I felt like the appetizer could have been the main dish! But I don’t regret eating ANY thing. 
            It was cloudy most of the time, but I am happy it was because it was less hot that way and not as skin-cancery.
            It was so nice sleeping in an air conditioned room and actually using the covers and getting cold in the middle of the night! Quite a treat!! The only sad thing about our room was that the toilet wouldn’t flush the toilet paper : ( kinda yucky..
            On Saturday, I went to the beach and walked for a little while and then hung out by/in the pool the rest of the day.. then we had a little worship session in an AIR CONDITIONED room!! And some of the hotel workers had asked us to pray for them! How cool is that??
            Then we played some games and did this CRAZY puzzle that you had to figure out where the pieces went because they had words on them that told you where they were.. and it was just ridiculous. 
            Today we had a little church service in the same room and then I went to the beach again.  As I was sitting on the beach, looking at all the fun seashells (actually WHOLE seashells, and a lot of them!!) a cigarette man comes up and says “it is hot” in English.. usually I can just say “no francais” and they leave me alone, but when he spoke English to me I was just so shocked that I said “yes”. So, he starts telling me about how Americans talk too fast.. and how he wonders why some people are white and some are black.  “It’s just the way God made us!” I said.. he didn’t really like that answer though.  He just kind of ignored it.  Then he starts talking about music and how he wouldn’t want to live in a world without music, and starts singing a song about calling 911.  This whole time, I am just sitting there not even looking at him responding with one word answers.  Why couldn’t he get the hint that I wanted him to GO AWAY!! That is my only complaint about the beach.. people want you to take a picture with their fish they just caught.. or come to their restaurant.. or sit in their beach chair.  They can’t leave you alone.  So finally, I just stood up and said bye.. and he said he wanted my address so he could send me a postcard and I said I didn’t have an address and he said “next time you come, you eat lobster” and I said “no. goodbye”  and I was VERY upset that I had to leave that spot, cause I was finding some good shells!  Next time, I will just make sign language up and pretend I am deaf.
            So anyway, then I went back and had our last delicious meal, and I definitely won’t need to eat dinner tonight and maybe won’t even need to eat for the rest of this week because my stomach is just so full..
            Getting back to school took about double the amount of time it took us to get there due to an accident.. apparently they don't like to wait for things to clear up here, so they will go the long way even if it is double the distance, double the time... oh my. its okay though, because i was sitting next to the most knowledgable lady in the world so i learned a lot about everything! a free tour! i am just thankful that it wasn't on the way THERE, because this way, we didn't lose any valuable time at the hotel : )
            Pictures will be coming soon.. just you wait!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good retreat!

    Next time, please do sign language and capture it on video and send it to me!!!! :)
