Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Night of the Lizard

            So, this one time, I was brushing my teeth and walking around the apartment, because what else is there to do besides look at yourself in the mirror and make faces?  Which is fun sometimes.. but it's more fun to look at Katie McKinley who is also brushing her teeth and pretend that she is my mirror.  but, since i didnt have Katie, i decided to get my exercise instead.
             While I was on my stroll, something caught my eye.  I thought, "thats strange, i have never noticed anything that high up on that wall before" and then... I realized what it was.  a huge, creepy looking yucky lizard!!!! I'm not talking about a tiny baby lizard, this was a big macho sized man eating lizard!! i was so shocked, all i could say through my mouth full of toothpaste was "ouhjskmsaeir" (its french for "why?").  So Ruthanne comes out of her bathroom and she says "aww how cute.. look at that!"  Really?  CUTE is what you decide to call a LIZARD in our APARTMENT on our WALL!!!  i said something like that out loud, but i dont quite remember what it was.  but, by the end of the ordeal, i guarantee she wasn't thinking it was cute..
             She starts talking to it, asking it nicely to exit the premises.  Then, it starts moving towards MY ROOM!! So, i run into my room and slam the door, and put a towel down by the door to make sure it knows it is not welcome.  Luckily, my bathroom is connected to my room, so I can spit out my toothpaste and finish getting ready to go to bed.  But Ruthanne says "you think closing your door is going to protect you?" and I say "YES IT IS!!!" and she says "nope, you have a window in your bathroom that has a hole in it."  (yes there is a window in my bathroom that goes to the inside of the house.. i have no idea why.. but it wouldnt let the lizard in)
             I finish my bedtime routine, close my bathroom door.. just in case.. and lay down in bed when I remember that I have forgotten to take my malaria medicine.  As I am wondering which is worse, malaria or sleeping with a lizard, the 15 mosquito bites on my legs start to itch, so I yell to Ruthanne (who has been throwing clothespins at the lizard for the past 10 minutes) "Where is he??" and she says "right in the corner between your door and the wall" then, SMACK, i hear another clothespin hit the wall and she says "oh, now hes on your door!"  and i can hear him moving around on there!!! so i jump up on my bed and pray that he has a heart attack and disintegrates into dust.  doesn't happen.  finally, she tells me it is clear so i open the door and look up and he is in the corner staring at me!! so after screaming at him to stay there,  i run past him, get some water and my medicine and run back and slam the door (and then put the towel back in place).
               I had nightmares all night about godzilla, but i made it through the night, except i have no idea where the creature is now... i should have sprayed him with insect killer when i had the chance! He is probably prowling around the apartment as i type... i dont like him at all! i want him to go away. forever.
              Having a cockroach as a class pet is bad enough, i don't want a lizard as a house pet... sigh. the life of an African.

1 comment:

  1. eek! I want to see a picture of the lizard...

    and it's a good thing that your roommate called the lizard cute, so at least she was willing to deal with that little sicky!!!

    I am really glad you took your malaria medicine, even though you had to revisit the lizard.

    Love you! :)
