Sunday, September 2, 2012

Soggy Sunday

            It seems like all the really rainy days have been on the weekend.  And this time, I got caught without an umbrella. It wasn't exactly pouring when it was time to leave for church, but it was raining pretty hard!  So, I just ran through the river to get to church and showed up drenched. classy.  but, i found a good seat underneath a fan and dried off pretty quickly.
            I had made plans with the first grade teacher to go to lunch and do some shopping at the mall after church, she asked me if i still wanted to brave it.. after having a brief flashback of last sunday's adventures in taxi land.. i said yeah i want to brave it!
            So, after church, we borrowed a huge umbrella from Patty (who was originally going to come with us.. but decided she didn't want to "brave it") and started walking in the rain, trying to find a taxi.  There weren't a lot of them out, but finally we got one to stop and he said he would take us for 5000! which is 10 dollars... the regular price is apparently 1500.. or 3 dollars! so we said no thank you and kept looking for a taxi... eventually when we were ankle deep in water, we decided to turn around and go to a different restaurant that we could just walk to.
            By the time we were finished with lunch (and ice cream!) we were all dry,and it was just lightly sprinkling!
            And now here i am at school, trying to plan the next week.. but getting distracted like usual! A pretty uneventful day, i suppose.
            Missing everyone at home!  and missing un-natural peanut butter.  all i can find here is the kind with not a lot of sugar in it.. which you have to stir.  but im kind of getting used to it, i just eat it with some honey.. which is also pretty natural.. it has little black floaties in it.. im not sure exactly what they are.. but i think i will just continue not knowing. because the honey tastes good! and thats all that matters, right??

1 comment:

  1. I really want to see pictures of your soggy-ness.... It cracks me up trying to picture it.. and I know Im not even picturing it right!

    Also, those black chunks.... yikes.......................... I wonder what they could be.... but you're right, your best bet is definitely to ignore them!! :/
