Thursday, September 6, 2012

Double Whammy

           Today I "got" to speak in middle school/high school chapel.  Tomorrow morning I "get" to do staff devotions.. ahh. why would they do this to a new person? craziness.  anyway, chapel was fine.  just shared some poop stories, mostly.
           I was going to make a BLT for dinner tonight but i cut into the tomato, and it was no good.  I had already started making the bacon though, so I made some eggs and toast and had an even more delicious dinner.  take that, tomato.
           I may have made one of the worst decisions ever today.. called signing up for handball.  Technically, sign ups ended on August 31 but I was talking to some girls today after school and they said that one of the teams needed another staff member.  So, I said I would do it.. because a bad player is better than no player, right?  unless i just get in the way all the time.. but who knows? maybe i will go to the olympics on a handball team! gotta keep the options open..
           Best news of the day is that we still get to go to a supposedly really cool place for our staff retreat!  There was talk of not going there due to budget stuff.. but they decided we could do it if everyone pitched in 20 dollas.. for a whole weekend at a 4/5 star hotel!! i am more than okay with that!
            After reading this again, this post has been all over the place.  and really has no useful information.. but here I go, hitting "publish" anyway.

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