Thursday, September 20, 2012


            Today, God reminded me that His timing is perfect, and I am so thankful for that truth.  I can’t share any details yet, but I am looking forward to some exciting things!  I am also SO thankful for the people that God has surrounded me and blessed me with here in Africa.  I couldn’t have asked for a more welcoming group of people!  Yesterday morning, one of my favorite ladies shared during devotions and we sung “Great is Thy Faithfulness” at the end of devotions and it was so perfect!  Just what I needed to hear/speak with my own mouth.
            I also realized today that I have been thinking about all the material things that I have been missing, and thinking of those things has distracted me from focusing on JESUS!  I can survive without all those things because no matter where I go, Jesus is with me!  And He goes before me!  The only thing I truly miss is all the people I left at home in Redding.  But, praise the Lord for Facebook and Skype!  I was reading a book earlier this week that a missionary wrote about her experiences in a VILLAGE in Africa.. no electricity among many other challenges.  I really do have it SO easy here.
            Anyway, I apologize for all the complaining I have been doing in my blog lately, I’m working on my attitude. : )
            To top it all off, I was blessed with a pair of flip flops today!  Not just any flip flops, but Teva flip flops.. lightly used, but they are sooo comfy!  

1 comment:

  1. blessed to read this blog.

    i love you so much!
