Monday, September 3, 2012

chili and lasagna... mixed together.

We had to sign up for a minimum of two extra curricular activities, so of course i chose the minimum.  I went for the easy route and signed up for after school computer lab duty.. which consists of sitting in the computer lab for an hour and a half.  Last time, no students came in to use it, so i felt a little bit useless.. but was kind of okay with it because i got a lot of grades done.. today 2 different kids came in and used it!  AND i finished grading early, and got some internet time in :) im feeling pretty goood about myself! 
now it is 5:00.. and there is still a kid in here and i feel bad about kicking him out, but i also want to leave.  ohh the dilemmas i face in africa.
here is a funny story for you.  I was grading homework and here is the question they had to answer:  "Do you like pizza, lasagna, or other Italian foods?  Write a paragraph about the foods you like or dislike." (it was for spelling... lasagna was one of their spelling words)
"I don't like spicy food.  I especially don't like chili although I've never tasted it before.  I think it will burn my tongue if I put it in my lasagna!"
There are just so many good things about that answer.  I love her.  We took some class pictures today.. i will put those up on facebook so you all can see.. i learned in college it was illlegal unless you ask the parents first... but maybe in africa it's different? i dont know.. thoughts on that anyone?? will i go to jail?
also, the computer lab needs a new key. it took me 10 minutes to lock the door. and i didnt even get it locked. i gave up. hopefully no computers get stolen...


  1. There are so many good things about that answer. I love it.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think you are A-okay, in putting that pic on FB...heck your in Africa! I think it is a bit of a different situation...miss you tons! :) p.s. computer lab time means more internet! :)
