Saturday, September 15, 2012

champion quatre (four)

            Today I took a mini vacation to a city called Dakar with the Kindergarten teacher (Patty), 1st grade teacher (Elizabeth) and elementary principal (Barb).  We went to a hotel with a pool in it… a reasonable price to use somebody’s pool would probably be about 5 dollars-ish, right? Yeah, that’s what I thought too! But nope, it was 16 smackaroonies!  Totally worth it though!  It was right next to the ocean, so we could be in the pool and see the ocean at the same time, and we could even walk down to the beach!  It was a good Saturday indeed!
            I was so excited to wear my new wrappy skirt thing, but now at the end of the night I’m feeling like an idiot because I hadn’t washed it before wearing it, so my swim shorts got blue on them, and so did the shirt I was wearing L but, now it is soaking in some vinegar water.. because somebody told me that would set the colors.  Hopefully it works and doesn’t just SUCK the colors out.. I’m just so disappointed in myself.  And I won’t even tell you what happened when I was getting the vinegar water ready.  I want there to be some color left after I get this whole thing figured out!! I don’t want my shirt and shorts to be ruined for nothing!!  I probably should have gone to bed right when I got home from handball.. oh yeah I did that today too, I was just a busy bee today! But, back to the pool.
            We wanted to get our money’s worth seeing as how it cost 16 dollars to swim! So, we left around 9:00 this morning.  Right when we walked through the doors of the hotel, I felt like I was in a foreign land (meaning foreign to Africa). It was so fancy!  We walked over to some lounge chairs and started setting our stuff down and a big African man runs over to us with a stack of cushions for us and lays them down.  This guy was BIG.  We went in the pool and everywhere we swam he would walk on the edge of the pool following us! Creepo!  So then we got out of the pool and walked down to the beach.. on our way he yelled “CHAMPIONS!!” to us.. we were trying to decide what he meant.. did he want to sell us champagne?  Or was he talking about mushrooms?  (The French word for mushrooms is champignons).  Anyway, the tide was high so we couldn’t really access the beach at that point, so we came back up.  As we were walking back to our lounge chairs, he pointed to Patty and said “Champion number 1” then, he pointed to Elizabeth and said “Champion number 2” then he pointed to me and said “Champion number 3” (Barb didn’t come to the beach with us, so she didn’t get rated!)  anyway, I was so mad that I was last place, I made it my goal to move up the totem pole by the end of the day. okay, not really.
            After a while of feeling like a Richie rich (sitting by the pool/swimming in the pool), we went to the hotel restaurant and had a delightful lunch.  I ordered these wonderful little morsels titled “nems” it reminds me of “nums” and Elizabeth and Patty were getting them AND I just liked the name so I decided to order it.. they are kind of like little spring rolls. Yummmmmmmm were they good!   
            While we were eating our lunch we heard some thunder and I got really excited because I love being at the ocean when its raining!  Unless its pouring buckets and you aren’t prepared because your just wearing jeans but you decide to brave it anyway because you drove all that way and then you go walking out on the rocks and the tide comes in while you are on the rocks and your basically stuck out in the middle of the ocean.. but that didn’t happen today.  So usually, I like it when it rains at the ocean! 
            The sky went from blue to dark gray in about 5 minutes.. super cool! I went down to the ocean with Patty and got in the water and it started sprinkling and it was just the best!! The ocean was so warm, which I am still surprised by because the ocean at home is just soooooooo coold.  the cold rain felt so good, although I wish it would have lasted longer.  But it was like hot brownies and ice cream. The ocean was the brownies and the rain was the ice cream. Perfect combination!!
            So, the sky cleared up and we got back in the pool and took some naps..
But before that I had to find out where I ranked with champion man with barb in the rankings.. so I found him and pointed to barb and said “Champion..,,??” and he pointed to patty and said “champion one” Elizabeth: “champion two” Barb: “champion three” and me: “Champion 4”, so I had been demoted.
            Anyway, then we went home and had fish sticks and tacos and fish tacos for dinner and it tasted soo yummy, and then I realized it was 20 minutes before my handball game was started and I didn’t have any idea how to play! So I went and watched the game and kind of figured it out and got so nervous because basically the whole school was there watching, but I ended up just passing the ball a whole lot and it turned out to be pretty fun! 
            And now im here sitting by the fan eating a delicious ice cream sandwich, thinking about eating another one right after this.. after all they are labeled “mini ice cream sandwiches” so if I wanted to have a regular sized ice cream sandwich, it would be two minis?? Right? That’s how it works?
            I love the weekends!

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